
Viridian 版本更新總結

作者: Rabbit P MuraSaki Siki

Viridian 更新將集中於改善公司管理, 以及讓玩家更好地展示公司特色。

透過引入新管理工具, 清晰地向公司成員指引公司發展方向, 讓每位公司成員的貢獻都明確記錄下來。

所有公司成員均能瀏覽公司項目和進度, 在各成員作出貢獻時自動更新。另設一款可供手動更新進度的項目。

  • 可供設定的項目有:
    • 指南: 創建一個不能實際參與的項目,僅用於展示和傳達公司在特定情境下的表現。
    • 交付物品: 可以要求成員向公司辦公室交付特定類型的物品,讓公司能夠制定回購計劃,或鼓勵成員對某些超級旗艦或其他建築項目做出貢獻。
    • 擊殺NPC: 項目可以針對特定的恆星系,指定公司想要消滅的NPC數量,並利用該恆星系的軍事指數,為公司應對主權空間的襲擊創造增強防線的機會,讓團隊更好地管理星系的賞金風險係數。
    • 對其他克隆飛行員造成傷害: 公司管理層可以追踪公司成員對特定人物或組織造成的傷害,從而讓公司能夠了解和影響戰鬥的參與情況。
    • 開採: 公司可以激勵資源採集,追踪指定的星系和礦石類型。
  • 公司 CEO 及 總監可以最多創建 100個 正在進行的公司項目。並且能夠瀏覽各項目中, 每個成員的個人進度以及項目完成時他們的貢獻。
  • 在空間站或星威建築中設有辦公室的公司將擁有一個名為 Project (項目) 的新機庫。 該機庫可以放入「交付項目」所需的物品。與其他公司機庫不同,這個機庫沒有可配置的訪問權限,只有公司的 CEO 和總監 才能訪問。 其他成員只有交付功能。
  • 公司項目可以拖拉創建文字連結。

重新設計用戶介面, 於星際代理處相互配合。星際代理處是一款內容總覽, 而 AIR 機遇則是展示目前可供參與的遊戲內容。

  • 公司項目和 AIR 機遇窗口是關聯起來的。單擊公司項目中的項目將跳轉至 AIR 機遇視窗中對應的項目位置。
  • 對於想尋找公司正在進行的項目, AIR 機遇視窗將是他們日常主要訪問的地方。
  • 公司徵稅以往只徵收玩家的 NPC 賞金收入, 現已擴展至 LP收入。稅率與 ISK稅率一致。LP 稅將對所有 LP 收入徵收, 包括 勢力戰爭, 入侵, 任務收益。
    • EverMark (長青點) 並不作額外徵稅。因目前公司已由玩家進行個人任務時, 以 1:1 比例同時獲得一份收入。
  • 公司有專屬的 LP 錢包。公司 CEO 及總監可以如使用個人 LP點數般使用 公司 LP點數, 分別只是 LP 及 ISK 由公司支付。如果該項 LP 物品需要交付額外物品兌換的話, 該物品需要放於兌換者的個人倉庫中。
  • 公司的 LP 點數可以轉帳給其他公司。
    • EverMark (長青點) 不能轉帳。

A new in game customization tool, the Super-Kerr Induced Nanocoating Resequencer

allows CEO’s, Directors, and the newly created role of Brand Managers to create Nanocoating designs by applying Nanocoating's of their choosing to different areas of Upwell Structures. Nanocoating designs can then be applied to any of the Upwell Structure that the corporation owns in exchange for EverMarks for a limited duration.

Once the purchase is complete, Nanocoating Designs are then applied to all selected structures for all capsuleers to enjoy, or not.

The Brand Manager role has access to all corporation customization options, for now that is SKINR and the ability to spend EverMarks through those options.

Starting in the week of the expansion there will be a new way to acquire EverMarks through the Daily Challenges which use a similar cyclical fashion of various activities you are used where those previously only rewarded Skill Points. This adds a more passive but less direct yielding way than Paragon Missions to acquire them.

TAX REFORMS We are making a series of changes to how some taxes are calculated to increase the value of corporation infrastructure as an income source. They will be in the following areas:

Broker’s fee in Upwell Structures. Instead of a percentage cut, a fixed rate will be taken by the SCC, providing more ISK for facility owners.

Industry Job Installation Fee. Taxes will be applied directly on the estimated item value, allowing facility owners to have a meaningful income stream even in low indexed systems.

NPC Stations / Monuments: Manufacturing and Research factors removal. Leveling the field and encouraging industry spread across systems.

Broker’s Fee in Upwell Structures The goal of this change is to give more control, increase the value of income sources to corporations and to increase the competitiveness of facility owners with the market.

There will no longer be a 50% cut taken from the total broker’s fee paid in structure facilities. Instead, this will be reduced to a fixed rate of 0.5%.

Example: if you were to make an order of a cost at 100,000 ISK in a structure, where the owner has set the broker’s fee at 10%, the following amounts would be going to the following wallets:

Old Formula

Percentage on order

Amount Paid

Facility Owner Wallet



Economic Circulation

SCC Wallet



Economic Sink

New Formula

Percentage on order

Amount Paid

Facility Owner Wallet



Economic Circulation

SCC Wallet



Economic Sink

Industry Job Installation Fee Investing in industrial infrastructure is very expensive, this is felt especially by new corporations that are starting to make their mark on New Eden. Established groups have little incentive to grant access to their very costly infrastructure due to the income from such a bargain being mostly meaningless to them.

The goal of this change is to address both of those problems, to create options for newer corporations to access infrastructure without having to fork out for it fully and to give incentive to those that decide to do so.

All taxes for industry jobs will be applied directly to the Estimated Item Value instead of the System Cost Index adjusted Estimated Item Value.

This change means that facility owners in a low indexed system can set their taxes to a very low value but still gain a meaningful income while still staying competitive.

Adjusted industry facility tax in NPC stations to 0.25% from 10%.

Adjusted Alpha clone tax to 0.25% from 2%.

Added a 0.25% tax that goes to the SCC.

The maximum tax that can be set for industry services will be capped at 10%.

You can now adjust your fees to 2 decimal places rather than being limited to 1.

We will be setting all current Player Ownership Tax profiles to 0.25%. This will need to be adjusted by facility owners as they see fit.

This will vastly increase competitiveness for facility owners. Even with it set at 0.25% the fee will earn the facility owner substantially more ISK.

The Formula The general formula changes to:

TIF = EIV * ((SCI * bonuses) + FacilityTax + SCC + AlphaClone) Where:

TIF: Total Installation Fee

EIV: Estimated Item Value, the value upon which the fees are calculated

SCI: System Cost Index

Bonuses: Any bonuses that are applicable

Facility Tax: Fixed tax for NPC stations set to 0.25% or tax rate set by facility owner.

SCC: SCC surcharge, this is a fixed value and cannot be affected by anything

AlphaClone: Tax applicable to alpha clones, set at 0.25%

The following tables represent the ISK flow in both Player Owned and NPC Facilities:

Player Owned:

Fee Equation Component




EIV * SCI * Bonuses



Economic Sink

EIV * Facility Tax


Set by player

Economic Circulation




Economic Sink

EIV * Alpha Clone



Economic Sink

NPC Owned

Fee Equation Component




EIV & SCI * Bonuses



Economic Sink

EIV * NPC Ownership Tax



Economic Sink




Economic Sink

EIV * Alpha Clone



Economic Sink

NPC Stations & Monuments System Index Cost modifiers have existed since the creation of the Industry index system, but they are difficult to understand and identify through in-game means. Every NPC station capable of industry reduces the System Cost Index by a percent, while Sov Null Security Outposts granted their system a large permanent reduction depending on their type.

This powerful bonus invisibly shaped player behavior, while largely remaining out of sight for those not familiar with the System Cost Index modifiers. Our goal with this change is to create more opportunities for aspiring industrialists.

Removed all System Index Cost modifiers. This includes removing the bonuses that extra stations provided to a system, and the Upwell Support facility bonuses which were present in Null Security systems that had an Outpost prior to being converted to a faction Fortizar in 2016.

Temporary Sales Tax Holiday The previously mentioned changes will have an impact where in the short term the installation cost to manufacture will be out of balance. To counter this impact, we are temporarily lowering the Sales Tax for all market transactions.

Reduced Sales Tax for all market transactions by 50% from 8% to 4%.

LANCER DREADNAUGHTS We are introducing a brand-new Tech II Dreadnought class: The Lancer Dreadnought. These powerful behemoths are capable of firing the type exclusive Disruption Lances.

Lancer Dreadnoughts have been added to the default overview settings, those who are using a custom overview will have to add Lancer Dreadnoughts to their overview settings.



5% to XL Torpedo, XL Cruise and Torpedo Damage

5% Reduction to XL Torpedo, XL Cruise and Torpedo Explosion Radius

Lancer Dreadnought

10% Bonus to Disruptive Lance damage

20% Bonus to Disruptive Lance maximum range

Role Bonus:

Can fit a Siege Module

Can fit a Disruption Lance

5.0x penalty to Entosis Link cycle time



5.0% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret tracking speed

10.0% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret Optimal Range

Lancer Dreadnought:

10% bonus to Disruptive Lance damage

20% bonus to Disruptive Lance maximum range

Role Bonus:

Can fit a Siege Module

Can fit a Disruption Lance

5.0x penalty to Entosis Link cycle time



5.0% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret rate of fire

5.0% reduction in Armor Repairer Cycle Time

5.0% bonus to all hull resistances

Lancer Dreadnought:

10% bonus to Disruptive Lance damage

20% bonus to Disruption Lance maximum range

Role Bonus:

Can fit a Siege Module

Can fit a Disruption Lance

5.0x penalty to Entosis Link cycle time



10.0% bonus to Capital Projectile Turret falloff range

5.0% bonus to Shield Booster and Armor Repairer cycle time

Lancer Dreadnought:

10% bonus to Disruptive Lance damage

20% bonus to Disruption Lance maximum range

Role Bonus:

Can fit a Siege Module

Can fit a Disruption Lance

5.0x penalty to Entosis Link cycle time

Lances Each Lancer Dreadnought will be able to equip a racially specific Disruptive Lance. Disruptive Lances are a smaller version of the Titan Lances, doing about 1/3rd of the base damage of a Titan lance.

Disruptive Lances apply a suite of debuffs to any ship that it hits, including:

Not being able to tether.

Not being able to warp out, dock, jump, or use a stargate.

Receiving only 50% of incoming remote repairs.

Disruptive Lances will do a 10km AoE energy neutralize around the lancer ship that activates it, like Titan lances.

Disruptive Lances will provide a similar set of debuffs to the lancer, such as not being able to tether, cloak, dock or jump for 5 minutes after firing.

Disruptive Lances can only be fired while in Siege mode and ships with this module fitted are unable to activate cloaking devices.

Skill Requirements We are adding 3 new skills with the Lancer Dreadnoughts. 1 for manufacturing them, 1 for flying the ship itself, and 1 skill for the new disruption lancers.

Lancer Dreadnoughts [x16]: 2,500,000,000 ISK at all empire school stations

Disruptive Lance Operation [x14]: 500,000,000 ISK at all empire school stations

Advanced Capital Ship Construction [x16]: 500,000,000 ISK at all empire school stations.

The Lancer Dreadnoughts skill book will be required to fly the Dreadnoughts. In addition to the racial Dreadnought skill at level V.

Disruptive Lance Operation is needed to use the new lances, each level of this will reduce capacitor consumption of the lances by 5%

Advanced Capital Ship Construction is required to build Lancer Dreadnoughts. Each level will reduce the manufacturing time by 1%.

Industry Information BPOs for the Lances can be found for 500,000,000 ISK in the appropriate empire school station for the respective racial lance.

Lance Blueprint Material: Zydrine: 20,000 Megacyte: 25,000 Isogen: 20,000 Nocxium: 25,000 Mexallon: 40,000 Pyerite: 1,000,000 Tritanium: 1,500,000

Blueprints to build the Lancer dreadnoughts, are acquired from running invention jobs on existing Tech 1 Dreadnought BPCs.

T2 Dreadnought Material Requirements: T1 Dread - 1 [Factional] Capital Reactor Unit - 1,700 [Factional] Capital Microprocessor - 1,500 [Factional] Capital Capacitor Unit - 1,500 [Factional] Capital Sensor Cluster - 900 [Factional] Capital Thruster - 900 [Factional] Capital Armor Plate - 400 [Factional] Capital Shield Emitter - 400 Morphite - 4000 Construction Blocks - 2000 R.A.M.- Starship Tech - 100

Lancer Dreadnoughts will have the same restrictions for Upwell Structures docking as regular Dreadnoughts do.

Lancer Dreadnoughts will only be able to be manufactured in Low Security, Null Security in an NPC stations or with an Upwell Capital Manufacturing Service online in Low Security, Null Security or Wormhole space. The same as existing Dreadnoughts.

The following rigs will reduce the materials and time required for Lancer Dreadnought production.

Large Structure Rigs

Standup L-Set Capital Ship Manufacturing Efficiency I

Standup L-Set Capital Ship Manufacturing Efficiency II

XL Structure Rigs

Standup XL-Set Ship Manufacturing Efficiency I

Standup XL-Set Ship Manufacturing Efficiency II

MARAUDERS Ever since the rework to marauders back in 2021, they have seen a huge increase in use and we are incredibly happy that Marauders feel rewarding to fly and are aspirational to pilots across New Eden. They have however, become very dominant in all areas of space.

In general Marauders have a very potent combination of:

High damage.

High tank, including allowing it to catch reps even in large scale fleet fights.

High mobility, even though the bastion locks them in place, it has a short duration.

High range.

High application.

EWAR resistance which prevents most counterplay options.

This results in them being rather good at everything and lacking in possible counterplay. Faster fleets can’t avoid their damage, smaller fleets struggle to break them, clever FCs can’t bring EWAR counters. The best counter to these ships is a capital escalation, which is not available to many groups, particularly smaller ones or all areas of the game such as wormholes or inside an ESS.

Bastion Module

Our goal is to create new weaknesses and therefore opportunities for counterplay in PvP for Marauders where they currently do not have many. These changes would lean into the class identity as being strong but immobile and offer smaller ships the chance to play around a Marauder with EWAR tools that are currently often useless in the face of its EWAR resistance bonus.

Duration Increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.

Removed the electronic warfare resistance bonus to Sensor Dampener, Tracking Disruptor, and Target Painter resistance.

The ship continues to retain its incredible firepower, tank, range and application but will now have a few weaknesses.


The Kronos is currently the weakest performing of the Marauders. We are giving it an additional midslot in exchange for a highslot to give it more utility for close range brawling. We are also making a small tweak to its survivability by shifting some of the structure HP into armor HP.

+1 Midslot, -1 Highslot

Increased Amor HP from 7,900 to 8,500

Decreased Structure HP from 9,500 to 8,900


The Vargur is performing the best out of all the Marauders right now for solo and small gang use. We are making adjustments to decrease the power of triple X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster fits by lowering the shield boost bonus slightly, and moving some shield HP into armor HP. At the same time we are improving the flexibility of the Vargur by adding an Armor Repair bonus and an extra lowslot in exchange for a highslot to match the paradigm set by the Kronos.

+1 Lowslot, -1 Highslot

Decreased Shield HP from 8,300 to 7,800

Increased Armor HP from 7,300 to 7,800

7.5% bonus to Shield Booster amount changed to 5% bonus to Shield Booster and Armor Repair amount


Currently the paladin is extremely dominant compared to other Marauders in very large scale fleet fights. We are lowering the optimal range per level bonus slightly to reduce its dominance.

Reduced Optimal Range per level bonus from 7.5% to 5%

Mass Changes to Marauders

Marauders are particularly dominant in wormholes due to their high power to mass efficiency. We are increasing the mass to be closer to Black Ops battleships. This will mean that players will need to be slightly more cautious about the number of Marauders they can bring to a fight in J-space.

Kronos : 148,000,000 kg (+54,520,000 kg)

Vargur : 150,000,000 kg (+53,480,000 kg)

Paladin : 160,000,000 kg (+67,755,000 kg)

Golem : 157,000,000 kg (+ 62,665,000 kg)

Agility for all Marauders has been improved to keep align times at similar values.

BATTLESHIPS We are adding some power to the Maelstrom and the Rokh, as they were both underperforming compared to the Hyperion and Abaddon.


The Rokh Currently shares the 8/6/5 slot layout with the Maelstrom, which outperforms it as a shield brawler. By increasing it to 7 Mid slots, the goal is to give it more flexibility when Blaster brawling over the Maelstrom. At the same time, we are also giving it a bit more fitting space, and a much bigger Drone Bay, with a smaller increase to Drone Bandwidth, which will add to its utility, especially when up close.

Longer range fits will benefit from the extra utility or tank the 7th Mid slot provides, especially when combined with the Large Railgun buffs.

+1 Midslot, -1 Lowslot

Increased Drone Bandwidth from 50m3 to 75m3

Increased Drone Bay 50m3 to 125m3

Increased CPU from 780tf to 810tf


We are generally happy with the Maelstrom’s identity as a Shield Boosting brawling projectile platform, it just needs a bit more power. We are improving the Maelstrom's speed, Shield Boost bonus, and Scan Resolution. Both the velocity and scan resolution were a little on the slower side for a Minmatar ship, especially when compared to the Hyperion.

Increased Shield Boost bonus from 7,5% to 10% per level

Increased Max Velocity from 94m/s to 115m/s

Increased Scan Resolution from 117mm to 125mm

Large Railguns

Large Railguns are severely underperforming compared to other battleship sized weapons. We are Improving them relative to other weapon classes to make them a more viable option and to help improve the viability of several underperforming ships - such as the Rokh and the Kronos.

+15% bonus to Tracking Speed

+15% bonus to Rate of fire.

The tracking increase will place Large Railguns between Large Beams and Large Artillery for tracking scores, the rate of fire increase will improve their DPS making them more attractive while not increasing their alpha strike capability for large fleet fights.

Zero-Point Mass Entangler

There was not a particularly strong reason for disallowing this module in High Security and Low Security as it was a legacy it inherited from the older HIC module.

Zero-Point Mass Entangler can be used in High Security and Low Security

HOMEFRONT OPERATIONS Each Homefront Operation

requires a group of pilots covering specific roles from hacking to hauling. Be warned; unlike most other sites, Homefront Operations can be lost if your team fails to meet their set objective.

Abyssal Artifact Recovery: Valuable artifacts buried within asteroids have emerged from Abyssal rifts. However, they aren't all that has made its way to the cluster. Break apart the asteroids and grab whatever you can before the dwellers of the Abyss overwhelm you.

Suspicious Signal: Your target is protected by an array of specialized emitters. While they're active, it is invulnerable. Hack the array to temporarily disable these defenses and give yourself a chance to take out the target.

Dread Assault: An allied Dreadnought was dispatched to eliminate a target. Unfortunately, hostile forces are neutralizing its capacitor and preventing it from firing. Boost its charge, keep the enemy at bay, and the dread will take care of the rest.

Raid: An enemy base has been found containing items your empire would like recovered. Tackle and destroy any hostile haulers that attempt to escape. Bring a hauler of your own to aid in retrieving the items from their smoldering wrecks.

Emergency Aid: Hostiles are attempting to destroy an allied target. Repair any damage and keep the enemy at bay long enough to secure the site. The hostile forces cannot be allowed to complete their objective.

Metaliminal Meteoroid: An asteroid comprised of ore valuable to the war effort has slipped into Empire space. Your goal is to mine it out before it plunges back to Abyssal Deadspace. Be careful; hostile forces in the area will attempt to disrupt and delay your efforts.

Improved Objective System We have vastly improved the objective system for agent missions and sites. The new objectives have modernized visuals, contain dynamic information, and include helpful interaction states.

These new objectives are featured in the Homefront Operations and we have also implemented them for all the Career Agent missions, making them much clearer and more accessible.

ECOSYSTEM & INDUSTRY CHANGES We are making a lot of quality-of-life changes to various aspects of the economy, as well as reducing some of the bottlenecks that currently exist, especially for capital production.

The changes to the Capital Core Temperature Regulators and Neurolink Enhancers will lower the cost of all Capital Ships. We are also changing the PI consumed by the Life Support Backup Units and Auto-Integrity Preservation Seals from P1 to P2 planetary interaction commodities. This will make hauling the build materials for them much easier.

Blueprint Changes:

Capital Core Temperature Regulator Blueprint

Integrity Response Drones: Decreased from 100 to 25

Self-Harmonizing Power Core: Decreased from 100 to 25

Core Temperature Regulator: Decreased from 70 to 50

Meta-Operant Neurolink Enhancer Blueprint

Hypnagogic Neurolink Enhancers: Decreased from 160 to 80

Axosomatic Neurolink Enhancer: Decreased from 160 to 80

Cogni-Emotive Neurolink Enhancer: Decreased from 160 to 80

Sense-Heuristic Neurolink Enhancer Decreased from 160 to 80

Life Support Backup Unit:

Removed Water: 150 → 0

Removed Oxygen: 200 → 0

Added Test Cultures: 8

Added Viral Agent: 8

Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal

Removed Bacteria: 80 → 0

Removed Proteins: 40 → 0

Added Nanites x 4

Added Supertensile Plastics x 4

Jump Freighters already required certain input materials when building the Tech 1 Freighters. We are removing them to both lower the cost of Jump Freighters and lower the demand for these items so that they are more available for other capital ships.

Ark Blueprint:

Removed U-C Trigger Neurolink Conduit: 32 → 0

Removed Radar-FTL Interlink Communicator: 2 → 0

Removed Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal: 400 → 0

Removed Life Support Backup Unit 200 → 0

Removed Capital Core Temperature Regulator 1 → 0

Rhea Blueprint:

Removed R-O Trigger Neurolink Conduit: 32 → 0

Removed Gravimetric-FTL Interlink Communicator: 2 → 0

Removed Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal: 400 → 0

Removed Life Support Backup Unit: 200 → 0

Removed Capital Core Temperature Regulator: 1 → 0

Anshar Blueprint:

Removed S-R Trigger Neurolink Conduit: 32 → 0

Removed Magnetometric-FTL Interlink Communicator: 2 → 0

Removed Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal: 400 → 0

Removed Life Support Backup Unit: 200 → 0

Removed Capital Core Temperature Regulator: 1 → 0

Nomad Blueprint:

Removed G-O Trigger Neurolink Conduit: 32 → 0

Removed Ladar-FTL Interlink Communicator: 2 → 0

Removed Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal: 400 → 0

Removed Life Support Backup Unit: 200 → 0

Removed Capital Core Temperature Regulator: 1 → 0


Jump Freighter wrecks now have an access difficulty of -10 to match all other T2 Ships.

We are making Capital Ship Components easier to export and import.

Reduced Volume from 10,000 m3 to 2,000 m3

We are increasing the availability of the content that drops the Capital Ship control items.

Increased spawn chance by 100% for the following sites: AEGIS Captial Ship Security Facility, AEGIS Secure Transfer Facility, AEGIS Captial Construction Forge, Overmind Nursery Grove.

We are making it much easier to haul PI commodities as well as it now requires fewer active inputs to manage since the space of all storage facilities and spaceports is effectively doubled.

Volume of all PI commodities reduced by 50%.

We are adjusting the asteroid belts that we added earlier this year, these are the asteroid belts which can be found in blue A0 star systems in Null Security and Wormhole space. As well as in 0.5 security High Security systems which border Low Security and Null Security systems which border Low Security systems.

Ytirium asteroid count increased by 900%

Ytirium is an asteroid which reprocesses into Isogen exclusively. We are increasing the value of these mining sites and increasing the supply of Isogen.

We are making Molecular Condensers more affordable and available by adding them to FW (Factional Warfare) LP (Loyalty Point) stores to act as a price ceiling for them.

Price: 1 Million ISK and 600 FW LP.

LM-Composite Molecular Condensers can be purchased in the 24th Imperial Crusade LP Store

AG-Composite Molecular Condenser can be purchased in the State Protectorate LP Store

CV-Composite Molecular Condenser can be purchased in the Federal Defense Union LP Store

AV-Composite Molecular Condenser can be purchased in the Tribal Liberation Force LP Store

GRAPHICS Volumetric clouds have been introduced in the Homefront Operation sites. These clouds have a three-dimensional appearance, adding depth and realism to the environment.

Missile impacts have received updates across all warhead size classes.

The missile will now explode outwards in the opposite direction of the impact vector.

Missile impacts will illuminate nearby surfaces.

The visual effects (VFX) of the impact will be slightly smaller when viewed from closer camera distances, decided on impact spawn ranging from 30km to 10km.

Flare brightness has been adjusted based on camera distance to avoid overwhelming players when viewed up close.

Improved gameplay readability has been achieved using shape language and differentiation.

68 Frigates of the empire-based factions have received FX (special effects) and lighting updates. This includes the addition of lights and effects to enhance their visual appearance.

Marauders have received FX and lighting updates. Lights and effects have been added to improve their visual representation.

Upwell Citadels, namely Astrahus, Fortizar, and Keepstar, have undergone an FX and lighting pass. Lights and effects have been added to enhance the visual appeal of these structures.

Planets have been added as shadow casters. This means that the planets now contribute to casting shadows in the game, further enhancing the visual fidelity of the environment.

  • 最后更改: 2023/06/09 23:26
  • Rabbit_P