

Note: This range is applied only to the following alliances:

  • Fraternity. <FRT>.
  • AKINA mountain family [AE868] (corporation in Average camping enjoyer alliance <CAMP.>).
  • SONS of BANE <.S0B.>.

For play areas for other alliances, see the "PVE Play Area Maps" linked below.

Permitted Areas for Fraternity

  • In the following systems where sov is owned by Fraternity. <FRT>:
    • Within six light years of 4-HWWF.
    • In Vale of the Silent, the 9KX-M0, A3-TBB, and YDS0-Y and 0-8MWQ constellations.
    • In Tribute, the 1P-VL2 and GORV-P constellations, and the QFF-O6 solar system.
    • In Geminate, the ZYL-FT constellation.
    • In Geminate systems where the TCUs are owned by SONS of BANE <.S0B.>, except the solar systems 2H-TSE, M-MD31, and QKTR-L.
  • As well as in the following areas:
    • In Vale of the Silent, the E-8CSQ constellation, where an exceptional use rule allows gas sites to be mined by all Winter Coalition main member alliances and Corelum Syndicate <CSE>.
    • Cherry picking (taking the best without clearing the site) is not allowed for any sites including ratting, mining, public moons, and data/relic sites.

Fraternity University (FRT-U) Rules

  • FRT-U can play in the ZYL-FT constellation in Geminate (FRT sov). WinCo must not shoot first in that space but can defend. SRP is paid if WinCo shoots first in those constellations.
  • In all other Winco space (including Winco null sec space, Venal, Otsasai, Hakonen, Taisy), FRT-U is fully neutral. No SRP is paid for shooting first and docking rights are not provided.
  • Low sec docking rights in FRTBM structures except Otsasai, Hakonen, Taisy.
  • High sec docking rights in FRTBM structures.
  • Jump bridge path to 4-H is provided. FRT-U can buy but not sell in the 4-H market. SRP (for shooting first) is paid in 4-H and YMJG.

Banned Areas

No Fraternity PvE activity should take place in non-permitted areas including ratting, mining, scanning (including wormholes), exploration and other anomalies. Escalations and agent missions are allowed - Please keep screen records when doing them. Incursions are allowed in FRT space (FRT has final say on when to kill the mothership).

  • No capital PvE shall occur in the 4-HWWF solar system.
  • The Branch region.
  • The Tenal region.
  • The RJ-1R7 constellation in the Geminate region.
  • The Fade region
  • No PVE in Blades of Grass space which includes: 88G-M4 constellation, 'FMBR-8, 'FH-TTC, and 'MQ-O27''. Watch in-system for Blades of Grass structures to quickly determine if you are in an area you are not allowed to play in.

Events activity is not permitted outside of normal allowed PvE areas unless there is an exception communicated by leadership for a particular event. Disagreements about specific event considerations should be discussed with diplos. And always be polite and considerate of not hurting other coalition members.

A one billion ISK fine can be incurred if there's second-offense violation reported.

Please review these maps carefully for specific information about where you can play.


  • In ally systems:
    • No ratting, mining, exploring, or other game-play (including event sites). You may travel through these systems, and complete escalations.
    • Do not steal from ESS, Skyhooks, Metenox Moon Drills or hunt in the space of WinCo members, allies or our war time allies.

* No ESS, Skyhook, or Metenox Moon Drill stealing in Pandemic Horde rental areas (PH: Cobalt Edge, Oasa, GLD4U sov in Perrigan Falls, the 3 REKTD southeast constellations in Geminate). * No attacks on Panfam sov, structures, Skyhooks, Metenox moon drills, or ESS.

  • No placing of Mercenary Dens in allied space.
  • Agreement with Phoenix Coaltiion In Pure Blind, Cloud Ring, and Fade
    • Sov holding members are:
    • Pure Blind: Synergy of Steel, Banderlogs Alliance, Black Rose
    • Cloud Ring: Razor Alliance, Regnum Astera, Blood Drive, Apocalypse Now.
    • Fade: Banderlogs Alliance, GameTheory
    • Non-sov holding members are: La Ligue des mondes libres, Nomad Alliance, Caldari Alliance
    • Rule Summary: In Pure Blind, Cloud Ring, and Fade: No camping or playing at all of any kind except traveling and attacking ships for content. Exceptions: blue sov and U-7RBK constellation (blue rules apply) and Init sov (treat as hostile)
    • Rule Detail:
      • NO attacks on the sov of a Phoenix Coalition member
      • No new structures or POS dropped in their sov or in 38G6-L constellation.
      • No reinforcement of their structures (ping for content is OK)
      • No attacks on Skyhooks (including no stealing), or Metenox Moon Drills in their sov or in 38G6-L constellation.
      • No placing or shooting down of Mercenary Dens in their space (considered structures).
      • No excessive camping or farming campaigns.

* Currently, we have set individual PH corps blue (instead of alliance) because 2 of their corps (Pandemic Horde Inc and Arctic Beams) are not ESI checked. If you see Pandemic Horde Inc. or Arctic Beans in local, be careful, but do not aggress. You can defend if needed.

  • While the SEA (south east agreement) has ended, Winter Coalition will continue to leave sov and structures alone in that area to allow smaller alliances to grow. You are allowed to hunt and roam there, but do not take structures or sov. The regions included are: Scalding Pass, Detorid, Wicked Creek, Immensea, Omist, Feythabolis, Tenerifis, Insmother
  • Renter PVE outside of their space. If you see an Azure Citizen member (renter) playing outside of their space renter, these are the rules that the renters must follow. No ratting or other PVE (except completing an escalation) allowed by renters in Vale, Tribute, Geminate (unless they rent a system there), Pure Blind, Deklein or other Fraternity or blue space. No ratting or other PVE allowed in the following constellations: 48R-PS constellation in Venal. U-7RBK constellation in Pure Blind. If a renter enters a Venal system to rat and there is a blue ratter there, check belts. If more than 5 belts, ask in local. If asked to leave or no answer, leave system.

* Aggreement with Mohist Alliance: * Fraternity players are not allowed to shoot Mohist players, structures, sov, ESS, skyhooks, or moon drills in Mohist or PH sov. (Mohist sov is Catch 9HXQ-G, T-1WDH and Insmother FD-7Y4, R-CL2W constellations) * Mohist is not allowed to shoot Fraternity players, structures, sov, ESS, skyhooks, or moon drills in FRT sov. * This agreement does not include Winter Coalition alliances other than Fraternity.

  • Last modified: 2025/01/06 16:13
  • by Arrowspeeed_Bounty