Public Moon Mining
The following public Moon mining rules are specific to EN Fraternity players.
- Fraternity public moon extracts are pinged in the frt-mining-pings channel in Discord. EN Member corps may only mine EN Public Moons. These will have "EN-PUBLIC" in the name. (
- Always mine the moon asteroid fields from both sides to the middle.
- Do not switch to other asteroids before finishing the current one you are on.
- Do not mine asteroids already being mined by another ship unless given permission.
- Cherry picking ores on Public Moons is forbidden.
- No B or C type crystals allowed.
- Rorquals will be used for boosting and/or compression ONLY
- When reporting violations, also take a tactical view screenshot covering the whole moon belt from the upside.
- For moons that are outside the 4-H umbrella, any military response is doubtful, unless we have a defense fleet pre-staged. Make sure you have scouts out in surrounding systems to provide early warning.
- Any violations of these rules will follow our standard PvE Violations rules which includes docking bans, fines, or for serious and repeated offenses, kicking.