Alliance Membership Requirements & Expectations
The following rules and statements are to reinforce what has already been stated and for future documentation and reference. These rules do apply to all alliances, however, will also apply to all new joining alliances.
Alliances Joining Winter Coalition
- Clear line of command – Alliance leadership need to have clear alliance contacts within the executor team, this will usually include one Executive, one Director and one Diplomat – This can also include a military head contact
- Membership – 75 active bodies (members) at the least
- FATs – To keep your good standings and not dip into a harsher tax band your Corporations and Alliances must maintain a FAT ratio of 1 FAT for Every Pilot. Optimal would be far more, however, this is our MINIMUM
- Comms – English Mumble is mandatory. Chinese mumble is not, however it is suggested to try and have it, just in case
- Chain Of Command – All Alliances are to respect the chain of command from day one
Services, Auth and Systems
- English Auth – All members are required to Auth on the EN Auth: Auth Site
- Chinese Auth (SeAT) – All members are required to Auth on the CN SeAT: SeAT Site
- Member Registration Requirement – We require at a minimum, 80% pilots signed onto both Auth and SeAT, optimally we want 90 - 95%
Trial Period
- Standings – During the trial period, the alliance will be set to +5
- Length – The trial period will last 3 months, this is to make sure you are a good fit within Winter Coalition
Taxes, Sovereignty and Other Payments
- FRT PvE Taxes (this may vary by alliance) - 5%
- Sovereignty Bills – Alliances are to pay 1,100,000,000 ISK (1.1BN) per system with Territorial Claim Unit per month too offset Infrastructure Hub costs
- This was agreed upon as a flat rate due to some Infrastructure Hubs having different upgrades and upkeep.
Structure Deployment
- Medium Structures – These can be place from the get-go without much input, as long as they aren’t spammed throughout space.
- Large Structures – These structures, whilst convenient, generally require atleast some forewarning to the Coalition Leadership/Military Leadership Team, so we may provide support for its deployment.
- XL Structures – These Structures will need to be discussed with Coalition Leadership so we can plan and provide support for their deployment, as well as this, too make sure there may be not interference with current plans.