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Intel Channels and Other Useful In-Game Channels

Join Ingame Coalition Wide Channel: WinterCo_Friends This will provide latest links to intel, ratting, trade, doctrines, and escalation trade channels

In-game channels to report hostile activity or see recent hostile activity on a region-by-region basis.

  • wc.vale+tribute: Winter Coalition shared intel channel for Vale of the Silent and Tribute.
  • wc.north: Winter Coalition shared intel channel for Venal, Tenal, and Branch.
  • bog.cap.3: Capital coordination channels open to WinterCo alliances and some allied alliances. Check the channel MotD.
  • bog.chain.3 (to 5): Logi cap chain management channels for subcaps and capitals open to WinterCo salliances and some allied alliances. Check the channel MotD.
  • bog.links.3: Links coordination channel open to WinterCo alliances and some allied alliances. Check channel MotD.
  • bog.log.3 (to 5): Logi anchor/watchlist info channels open to WinterCo alliances and some allied alliances. Check the channel MotD.
  • bog.toast.3: Work channel for entosis coordination open to WinterCo alliances and some allied alliances. Check MotD.
  • FRT Shield: FRT shield logi channel. Open to WinterCo alliances and some allied alliances.
  • 传电: FRT logi cap chain channel. Open to WinterCo alliances and some allied alliances.
  • WinterCo_Friends: Shared coalition channel for fleet info, socializing, and links to doctrines, etc. Everyone should be in this.
  • WC ACL: Coalition ACL channel for structure profiles. 非 Winter 體系友軍 is the one used across the coalition.
  • WC Escalation: A channel to sell escalations in WinterCo space.
  • Winter Rat 报点: Master channel for regional ratting subchannel in Winter Coalition space. Each regional subchannel contains links to specific constellations. You should be using the appropriate ratting channel to call out anomalies, but remember that calling them is not owning them!
  • Winter贸易 and Trade WinterCO: A shared trade channel for Winter Coalition members primarily in/around Vale of the Silent. If the first one doesn’t work, try the second one.
  • Last modified: 2024/06/06 01:53
  • by Arrowspeeed_Bounty