Fleet Op Types
The following page explains what fleets we run, what levels they run at and what they may entail.
Military Fleets
- Home Defense Fleets [HD] – These fleets are called when we need to expel enemies from our space or have to save larger assets, i.e, capitals and supers – Attendance is suggested, however not mandatory
- Roaming Fleets [ROAM] – These fleets are taken out by Fleet Commanders casually, just to get some PvP action going – Completely optional
- Skirmish Operations [SKIRM] – These operations have an objective to be completed – Attend if you can, however not mandatory
- Strategic Operations [STRATOP] – These operations are for objectives at a Coalition/Alliance level – These are to be attended if you are online and prepared
- Call To Arms [CTA] – These operations are of maximum importance to everyone – You must attend these operations. “Say goodbye to your family, partner and your pet: this is it, you have to be there, 100%.”
Other Fleets
- Locust Fleet – This fleet is for miners interested in mining moons – This fleet type is not mandatory, however it can be rather lucrative.