凛冬联盟群普矿采掘规定及生产机制·Mining Rules(中文/ENG)
帖子 由 Zeus Lee » 周日 9月 23, 2018 1:22 pm
凛冬联盟群 普矿采掘规定及生产机制 中文版
以下规定请成员务必阅读完毕,违反1次警告个人,2次警告公司,第3次予以惩罚并且扣除公司绩点。 惩处只有矿业总监和联盟级别ceo能够执行。
1.每个星系必设一位星系矿业管理,每个人都会分配到各自严禁在当前星系作业,跨星系作业必须经过星系管理的协调允许。星系管理在论坛单独开贴公示。 2.无论任何矿带,任何时间,按人头(不按“鱼”头),开采一块黑赭后方可开采除片麻以外的其他矿石; 3.当前矿带的全部黑赭清空后,方可开采片麻; 4.当前矿带全部开采完毕后,方可更换至下一矿带,理论上C\E两个矿带交替开采,L矿带用于过渡及特殊情况下开采(如敌对隐轰跳驱活动频繁时,L矿带矿石较小,便于快速收回无人机等),S\M矿带不做限制,可随意开采; 5. 成员在开采作业时,除作业于S\M矿带外,必须跟随星系其他成员在同一矿带作业; 6. 必须开采完当前的矿石后再更换下一矿石,严禁遗留残矿,遇紧急情况时除外; 7. 矿石先到先得,未经主人允许不能开挖队友正在作业的石头。(除非在收尾阶段) 矿船压矿时,请跳长须鲸级10KM,保持距离1000m。 8.长须鲸级驾驶员必须自备基腹断岩清理能力,各星系成员由管理批准进入某星系作业后未来30日内,基地内新晋长须鲸级驾驶员必须具备采掘基腹断岩能力的角色,超过时限未达标者,将被给予警告,同时承诺限定之日内必须达标,如再超出时限未达标,将踢出星系。
1.关于星系管理机制: a).职位条件:凡有责任心、有能力、有精力的成员均可申请,作为回报,矿税以2%上缴。针对后续因现实或其他原因无法胜任的管理人员,将被撤换; b).工作内容:日常生产管理及协调、星系采掘频道建立及维护、扫洞塌洞、维持生产秩序、组织矿带安保等工作; c).采掘频道:各星系管理负责建立当前星系采掘频道,并将采掘规定的中英文及论坛链接置顶于MOTD中,由星系管理批准的挖矿成员务必加入此频道,如成员更换星系,需退出原来星系的频道,添加至新的星系采掘频道; d).成员机制:成员如有意于某星系作业,必须向星系管理报备,如该星系管理不在,可向矿业总监进行报备。严禁未经协调的跨星系作业。
2.关于补损机制: a).已交税费的长须鲸级驾驶员,另满足以下四个条件者,一旦损船,联盟群将予以补损,补损标准为长须鲸级保险金换购成船一艘,具体条件如下: 1).正确的长须鲸级配置, 2).正确的作业时间,北京时间0800-2300 3).正确的作业地点, 4).正确的操作(不挂机作业、放置Mobile Depot等); b). 针对多开长须鲸级的驾驶员,在分配作业星系时,另有如下建议,如: 1). 2开,可以在同一星系内生产,或分开两个星系,1,1 2). 3开,请分开两个星系,2,1,或分开三个星系,1,1,1 3). 4开,请分开两个星系,2,2 4). 5开,请考虑选择:2,3 或 2,2,1 5). 6开,请分开三个星系,2,2,2;
3.关于反收割机制: a). QRFJ-Q作为反收割舰只集结地,请保证随时有若干条战备船只以备不时之需; b).各星系管理义务带领成员进行日常的扫洞塌洞工作,如管理不在,成员需自行组织扫洞塌洞,杜绝等死党、伸手党现象。如因所在星系虫洞未塌造成损失,该星系所有成员连坐惩罚,每人上交罚款500Misk,星系管理上缴1B isk; c).基地内出现紧急情况时,所有人应立即停止生产,Mumble进入“底特里德防御舰队 Detorid Standing Fleet”频道,积极参与反收割与救援工作,听从FC的指挥。 d).关于反制敌对势力骚扰矿带生产及挖矿无人机的带跳驱逐、T3巡洋等,现生产时务必准备如下配置M族小航,小航跃迁至矿带100KM ping点,铁骑机指派至矿带。具体配置在standing舰队 MOTD长期公示中。
补充1:)星系管理的委任由矿业总监提名,联盟ceo认可。 星系管理每两周考查一次,不负责任者将被罢免更换。星系管理员设立等待名单,新的管理从名单候补里挑选。
凛冬联盟群 2018年9月8日
mining rules Section A: please read through before you mine, corps leadership will be warned for introduers and might reflect the negativity in corp KPI. 1. we are now installing one system oversear for every systems, please only mine in your assigned systems. Mining in another system that is not assigned can only happen with both oversear's consents. 2. a real player should always start with ONE piece of ochre ore, after finishing your quota you are welcome to mine any other ore except gneisis. 3. once all ochre ores are cleared, people may start to mine gneisis as they will. 4. finish one anomly at a time. ideally we swtich between colossal and enourmous belts. Large belts are for special cases, i.e. when there is heavy camping and you have to guard your excavators. Medium and lower belts are free game for anyone. 5. finish your ore like you would do for your ratting anomly. A rock is considered as your own liabity once you start.whenever your resume mining, always try to pick up from the previous one. 6. please do not double up on the same ore, unless its at the clearing out phase. 7. after a full month you are with the system team, you are required to have your own mercoxit alt. noncompliance will be resulted to your removal from the system.
Section B:
we are always recruiting system oversears. we have a pool of backups in case managers burn out or feel they can continue to fullfill the responbility. Should you be interested in apply please do 1) reponsible and be ready on call. you will be waived from rorq tax. 2) your job is to coordinate system mining activities that happen in a belt. you will also be responsbile for maintaining a system wide channel that is shared among other system members. you are the first responder of a system security threat and should lead your team to actively roll for wormholes. 3) the channels mentioned above are already in place, we will love to see people who stand up and help setup english MOTDs. Ask mining director that is listed in the winter paper pusher list. (Zeus Lee as of now) 4) system oversear and mining director can reassign people to another system temperorily in case of heavy camping/ a dangerous wormhole etc.
Section C: we do provide rorqual SRP, please note we are looking for expanding our srp period, in order to achieve that I will need all of your support for our shared mumble service and doctrine to set up meaningful home defense. if your rorq qualifies all of the following, you will be srp'd for a new rorq hull. 1) correct fits, cap injector+self rep are considered as standard fit. CASBs are also acceptable. 2) mining hours: there is no discrimination but we have to admit we are not quiet strong enough yet in our weak timezone so the srpable time frame, for now, is from ET 0000 to ET 1600. we will review this every month if we see a progress of regional defense we will expand the frame. 3) correct mining system = any system within supercap range of QRFJ. 4) correct protocol : depot/be on comms and fleet etc.
Section D: Home defense. you are requried to have one more sets of ferox doctrine in QRFJ at all time. system oversears are responsible for wormholes within your juridication. if a rorqual is tackled, be on comms (CN/ENG depending on time) and get ready to deathclone back to QRFJ for defense. Yes your deathclones should be in qrfj while your JCs are with stager.
WC 9.8.2018